Sunday, August 21, 2005

Where are the conservatives?

Conservatism used to stand for fiscal responsibility. Burgeoning national debt, unsustainable negative trade balances and foreign propping of the US dollar are policies anathema to conservative thinkers and economists. So where are the conservative voices?

Fiscal conservatives have decided to mute their voices in support of social conservative ideals. They have decided to sell out their fiscal ideals in the interests of supporting anti gay, anti abortion and other conservative social policies.

As long as you can block the two gay guys you don't know or care about from marrying, it's ok to saddle your children with back breaking debt, see middle class jobs disappear, permit the gap between the "haves" and "have-nots" increase at breakneck speeds, watch us become a nation of insatiable consumers of products innovated, created and built overseas and allow this country to sink into third world-dom.

Where are the planners? Who is looking at the future of this country?